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Platinum Point Yacht Club
Punta Gorda, FL 33955
26°45.71' N 82° 03.34' W


  • Remember to register for Sunset Socials and Grill Nights online. Mermaids and Mimosas Fashion Show sign up is open!
HomeSpecial Interest

Special Interest

In the last few years PPYC has expanded interest groups to include the PPYC Players, a group which puts on a play or musical each year as well as an active art committee which sponsors drawing classes, open painting sessions and gallery trips. A Fine Arts Show is held each year and is open to the public.
Other special interest groups include a fishing group, a needlework get together, the Linus Quilters, and an RV Interest Group. A broad range of educational programs are regularly offered in such areas as boating safety, travel, history and computer skills. Outside speakers as well as members provide in depth discussions on topics of interest.
Every February PPYC opens its doors to the Burnt Store Marina community for the Valentine's Day Pancake Breakfast. Each year over 700 meals are cooked and served by the men in the club.